Regular Board Meeting ar
- What
- Regular Board Meeting ar
- When
- 12/18/2024, 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
- Where
- Discovery School Phoenix - Nest, 4021 Teale Ave, San Jose, CA 95117
REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCOVERY CHARTER SCHOOL Wednesday, December 18, 2024 6:30 P.M. Meeting Location Discovery School Phoenix - Nest 4021 Teale Ave, San Jose, CA 95117 Teleconference Location Discovery Charter School Falcon - Office 762 Sunset Glen Dr, San Jose, CA 95123 Board Packet Link AGENDA CALL TO ORDER (5 min) Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum Confirmation of working teleconference connection Approval of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance OPEN SESSION Public Comments This portion of the meeting is set aside for members of the audience to make comments or raise issues that are not specifically on the agenda or those items that are on the agenda. These presentations are limited to three (3) minutes per person and the total time allotted to non-agenda items will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. REPORTS Student Report - Phoenix (5 min) PSC Report - Phoenix (10 min) Executive Director Report (Lety Villa) (15 min) ACTION / DISCUSSION / INFORMATION ITEMS Review/Approve Interim Budget FY 24-25 (Sam Leonard) (20 min) Review/Accept Financial Audit from Christy White (Lety Villa//Sam Leonard) (20 min) Informational - Student Behavioral Services Contract in excess of $35,000 Review/Approve Draft of BP5010 Student Technology and Internet Safety Policy - with Acceptable Use Agreement (Melanie Felix) (10 min) Review/Approve Draft of BP5009 Student Freedom of Speech and Expression (Melanie Felix) (10 min) Review/Approve Draft of BP3002 Investment Policy (Stephanie Frank/Lety Villa) (10min) Discuss and act to form board investment committee (Stepanie Frank) (10 min) Discuss and act to form board election committee (Chris Foisie) (10 min) Discuss board training (Chris Foisie) (10 min) Discuss and review Board Priorities (Chris Foisie) (15 min) APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR (ACTION) (5 min) These agenda items are considered routine and will be approved in one action without discussion. If a Board member requests that an item be removed from the Consent Calendar or a citizen wishes to speak to an item, the item will be considered under Action Items. Minutes for Board Meeting, November 20, 2024 BOARD MEMBERS’ REPORTS / CORRESPONDENCE / BOARD OPERATIONS / RECOGNITION (20 min) This is an opportunity for Board members to address activities, correspondence, and operations and to acknowledge or recognize specific programs, activities, or personnel. Board Operations Reports: Committees/Correspondence/Activities Board Calendar Future Agenda Items Poem of the Month ADJOURN Any person with a disability may request that a reasonable modification or accommodation be made to allow them to participate in the meeting. A request for a disability-related modification or accommodation may be made to the DCS office (408-243-9800) at least two business days prior to the meeting date.
- Agenda 2024-12-18 _Regular Meeting_.pdf 158.67 KB