Fall Portrait Days - Drive-Up-N-Go School Photos

Fall Portrait Days - Drive-Up-N-Go School Photos
10/16/2020, 8:00 AM 5:30 PM

This year you will be signing up for a spot for photo days. It’s contactless and outside. This is a service we are providing, so participation is voluntary. Students/Staff will be photographed for our school yearbook, student/staff IDs, and office database, so please sign up for a time, by selecting one of the links above (click on the date). Please also be sure to pre-order your pictures from Lifetouch.

Pre-Order Portraits Link Below
Picture Day ID: EVTVZD87S

Process: At the scheduled time, parents will drive up to the Teale Ave. drop off zone. The parent will stay in the car, student(s) will get out of the vehicle and walk forward to the photo tent just outside the campus entry gate. Student(s) will tell the photographer their name (and teacher/room number), have their photo taken, and continue to walk forward to the other side of the tent where their parent will pick them up. While the student is being photographed, the driver will be directed by a parent volunteer to pull the car forward to the pick-up location. We will have 2 cameras in action. A plus will be that you can bring all of your students at the same time, get it done, and go! We have added Thursday afternoon to allow for all that want to participate!

"No Contact Photo Day" Volunteers are still needed. Please contact Ms. Kim in the office if you're interested. You will get a complimentary package B, so do not pre-order.

Lifetouch’s safety commitment: https://youtu.be/LevtvXI9l2Q

If you haven’t already signed up for a time, please select a link below:
Thursday, Oct. 15th
Friday, Oct. 16th; Already signed up for this date? You can change your signup


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