Curriculum » Core Curriculum

Core Curriculum

Core Curriculum

Discovery Charter Schools focus on the education of the whole child through a core curriculum of English/language arts, mathematics, science, and history/social science and a complimentary curriculum of lifelong learning skills in performing arts, health science/physical fitness, technology, foreign language, and social/interpersonal skills.

The California state standards serve as a foundation to build curriculum and guide instruction. The curriculum addresses the developmental needs of a diverse population.

A variety of teaching strategies are used to ensure that each child's needs are being met. Instruction is provided in large group, small group, and individual settings. Assessments used throughout the year help teachers to align instruction with the needs of the student.

English/Language Arts

All students participate in an English/language arts program that is integrated across all curriculum areas and offers a rich diversity of activities and resources. The comprehensive curriculum includes daily opportunities for children to practice and improve reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.


All students at all grade levels engage in challenging, hands-on math activities which involve thinking mathematically and using tools, techniques, and strategies to solve real world problems.

Our program develops solid number sense and problem-solving skills through concrete experiences that use manipulatives before moving on to more abstract concepts. Math activities are integrated throughout the curriculum. Many math activities are multi-leveled and provide students with a variety of skill levels and opportunities for meaningful work.


The Science program is hands-on and integrates the essential learning in areas of earth, physical, and life sciences throughout the curriculum. Depth over breadth is emphasized in a thematic-based curriculum that is determined through student interest, as well as the state standards.

Science includes real-life experiences with gardening, cooking, and lab experiences and uses both scientific methods and problem solving. Students also participate in field experiences off campus to supplement and solidify what they are learning in the classroom.

History/Social Studies

The social studies curriculum also ties in closely with other curriculum areas such as language arts and science. Content is based on the state standards and emphasizes living and working together in our diverse community.